5 Important Things You Must Know About Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing now is massive and extremely potential for every online business who wants to target consumers buying products/services on the Internet. This type of marketing is extremely useful as it provides customers with time and location sensitive and personalized information.

Mobile is the most personal device we possess. Because of the increased usage of smartphones, tablets and similar mobile devices, mobile marketing have changed the way people communicate. For many online businesses, this could an opportunity to reach customers and prospects when they are using the Internet away from desktop.mobile_marketing

People can use mobile devices for texting messages, searching information, browsing websites, playing games and many other things. Many online businesses can take advantages of this to spread their brand and attract customers. However, similar to other types of marketing, mobile targeting has its own rules to be successful. Here are 5 important things you must know about mobile marketing before running a campaign for your business.

1. You need a website mobile-friendly

Every online business needs to have a website, and this website has to be mobile-friendly. Despite the small size of the mobile devices, people always want to have the same experience with you as they would via your desktop website. The most straightforward approach to do this is to design your site in a responsive way. This implies your site’s outline will scale to fit the gadget, but the content will remain the same.

mobile-friendly-websitesPage loading time is also one of the pivotal factors when it comes to mobile optimization. Customers can bounce your site immediately right after they enter just because they can not stand waiting for more than 5 seconds to load it. The best way to see whether your mobile website is fast or not is to visit Google’s Page Speed Insight to find out what’s on your site is responding slowly for desktop and mobile to fix it.

On the way to mobile optimization, you also need to ensure your mobile website don not use flash. Flash-based content is not mobile-friendly. If you want to include animations, you may consider utilizing different advancements like HTML 5. Many other things you have to do with your website to make it more friendly is to use standard fonts for the content on the site, optimize your images,…

responsive 940x400The website is the connection between your business and your audiences. If you can not bring them the best experience, they will leave you. The best choice here is to create both versions of your site, one for desktop and one for mobile. The key here is your understanding of your customers, what type of information they want when they go to your website, it could be news, promotion, description of the products, location, contact,… and provide that to them when they are mobile.

2. How are your customers using mobile?

Before running any advertising campaign on the Internet, you need to understand your customers. In this situation, you need to know who they are, how they use mobile and what they use mobile for?

How-to-Run-Your-Business-on-a-Mobile-PlatformUse Google Analytics to understand your customers and answer all the questions above. Are they transacting or using it to gather information? Are they mostly on Android or iOS; smartphones or tablets.

You can find out what kind of mobile devices your user visitors are using by going to Audience > Overview > Mobile > Devices to see the list of devices and percentage of your mobile visitors using each one. This data is very vital on the off chance that you choose to construct a portable application for your business on the grounds that you will know which platform to work with first based on your audience.

These information are also very important in contributing to the budget for advertising on mobile and desktop.

3. Mobile apps or mobile website?

mobile-app-vs-mobile-website-resized-600.jpgIt might be exceptionally enticing to bounce into building a mobile application for your business, yet given the budget and time, venture included, its keen to consider first, regardless of whether a portable application is the right match for your business. The absolute most essential calculate this choice is regardless of whether your application will give a path to your clients to do something over and over.

If you just want to give your customers location and hours, a list of services and provide special offers to them, you don’t need an app. You just need a mobile-friendly website.

4. Advertise your products/services with mobile search

One of the most common uses of tablets and smartphones is searching online. As with desktop search, Google is the biggest place where online business can show their website to the customers.

adwords-mobile-app-install-closeupInitially, in case you’re a local business with a physical area, give full regard for your local business listing on Google Places. At the point when a mobile searcher is searching for a nearby business, Google serves up its Maps postings close to the highest point of the search. Build your listings as powerful as possible by including photographs, features, a full depiction, hours, and whatever other subtle elements you can. It’s the best free approach to be found by local searchers.

Second, you have to realize that Google says responsive web configuration is their “prescribed choice” and sends mobile searchers to locales that utilization responsive web outline, destinations that utilization element web plan (distinctive substance and diverse outline to mobile locales), and those that have a separate mobile website.

If you are using Adwords advertising, you can choose to minimize your mobile ads or use them exclusively. Knowing your mobile stats will help you optimize. Having a mobile-friendly website will give your mobile search results advertising the ability to work.

5. Integrating text messaging into your online marketing

You are not only using mobile for advertising on the Internet, you can also target your customers by sending text messages. The most ideal approach to join messaging with web advertising is to utilize your online endeavors as an approach to get pick ins for your SMS instant message list. At that point you can utilize the content informing as an approach to achieve your gathering of people outside their full and overpowering email inboxes.

smsAfter getting the list of opt-in subscribers by creating a compelling reason for them to sign up, you can send text messages to your lists with some kinds of information, such as mobile coupons, announcement of product releases, online promotions, Meetups at the event, short tips or strategies your audience can use,…

In conclusion

Mobile marketing is a very potential channel to reach your customers. If you are finding a good way to promote your products/services, don’t forget to use mobile marketing!

How to Create an Awesome User Experience for Your Online Business

When customers consume something online, they need the total bundle: product data, audits, obtaining capacity, product and specialized supporting, and a gathering for conversing with different customers. They need an all-out client experience.

A good customer experience begins from the ground up. From picking your substance administration system to long haul product bolster, the way to happy customers is giving them the data they need, right when they need it.

Here’s your five-step plan to create an awesome user experience that all your customers want it to.

Step One: Offer customers a responsive site

In the online market, website is one of the most important parts contributing to the success of the business. It may be the in the first place, last, and only place a client engages with your brand. It’s a chance to dump static site pages from an instinctive, responsive site that offers verging on everything a block and mortar storefront could.


A new report from Juniper Research evaluates more than two billion individuals will make a portable business exchange before the end of 2017. That implies your site needs to look and work awesome on mobile phones and tablets.

Try not to make visitors work to discover all the profitable substance stashed over your site. Use heatmap examination or other following apparatuses to make sense of where your guests snap to guarantee your site gives substance and help precisely the way you need it to.

Try not to let the thought of making an unpredictable site or substance administration system hinder you. If employing an improvement group isn’t likely at this time, there are a lot of samples to utilize, free, or minimal effort DIY options. WordPress is a mainstream alternative for some organizations that supportings a scope of website sorts from straightforward web journals to product points of arrival. The endless biological system of outsider modules for WordPress have made it something of an accepted standard. In any case, you additionally may need to examine atWix or Squarespace.

Step Two: Provide great visuals that describe and support your products and services

visual_website_optimizerOnce your site is upgraded, now it’s chance to concentrate on the substance. Everything except the most essential substance administration systems offer alternatives for serving up a wide range of distinctive substance, including instructional features, searchable product manuals, and shopping devices that help your customers envision your products before they purchase.

Consider offering varied content options that give visitors a decision of how they need to devour your information. A few customers adore a sharp feature highlighting your product’s subtleties while others need to just look over content based arrangements of its primary components. So if you can offer them both video and text-based information, they may be interested more in your website and products. By this way, time on the site will increase also.

Step Three: Provide online support when customers are on your website

Numerous eCommerce sites have been adding live chat support like Subiz to provide real-time answers in order to help customers easier in finding and understand products and services. Constant talking with a support expert not only serves to enhance your conversion rates, but it also builds customers’ confidence during their shopping experience. From that point, their user experience is also improved.


First of all advantages, that live chat brings to the table is its convenience for customers. A Forrester research found the following:

44% of online customers say that having inquiries replied by a live chat operators while amidst an online purchase is a standout amongst the most essential elements a website can offer.

63% of customers who’ve utilized live chat have a tendency to return instead of the ones who don’t. Studies demonstrate that general customers have a tendency to purchase all the more frequently and they are less extravagant to keep up due to their nature with your business and the procedures behind it.

When customers feel their voice is heard and they visit with a man behind the organization, it’s more probable that they’ll have a more grounded association with your business and share their positive experience.

Step Four: Engage customers on social media after the sale

Informal organizations are one of the best things to happen to organizations since the coming of without toll telephone numbers. They give a simple approach to listening in on what your customers are starting and give marks an extraordinary chance to draw in buyers on a substantially more individual level than the other – yet just as essential – promoting systems.

socialmediaview2Verify your site has visual representations of all the informal organizations where you can be discovered and afterward go out there and begin discussions about your industry, your image, and your products.

Social locales are an awesome spot to cross post features from your site, pictures of individuals utilizing your products, or infographics of the most recent industry information. Guarantee your social substance contains a mixed bag of messages extending from supportive to just conversing. The way to the effective media vicinity is to empower a dialog with your customers, not hit them over the head with a flood of advertising messages consistently.

Step Five: Reward loyal customers

remarkable-customer-loyalty-tips-2Always remember, it costs much less to take care of your existing customers than it does to attract new ones. One of the best ways to improve and strengthen your relationship with customers is to make them feel appreciated. Sending a thank you note, vouchers, or other tokens of appreciation for staying with your company are sure fire ways to build brand loyalty. Introducing added incentives like a loyalty program can help market your business and entice customers to return.

Loyal customers are also your main customers. Not only do they buy products and services from you, but they also introduce your business to their family and friends. Their reviews are rewarding to your business. So create a good user experience is not just for new customers, but also for your old consumers.

In conclusion

User experience is the most important thing you always need to build and improve. These 5 steps above will help you to get more sale and create a long-term relationship with your customers.